The American Issue 299 792 458 M/S

The American Issue 299 792 458 M/S
The American Issue 299 792 458 M/S

299 792 458 M/S magazine was created in New York City in 2016 by Robert Kulisek and David Lieske. Its inaugural issue, The American Issue, brings together a large variety of contemporary photographers, stylists, artists and designers with a focus on a transatlantic network that heavily influences the current fashion discourse. 299 792 458 M/S was inspired by Sibylle, the only fashion publication in existence during the former German Democratic Republic. As a meta-fashion magazine, Sibylle operated with minimal access to Western designer clothes, and opened up historical possibilities into uncharted territories of fashion photography. The issue includes contributions by Buch Ellison, Annette Kelm, Dese Escobar, Torbjørn Rødland, Than Hussein Clark, Claire Christerson, Dena Yago, Matt Holmes, Andrea Longacre-White, Marie Angelletti, Eckhaus Latta, Ryan Wei, Heike-Karin Föll and Marcus Cuffie.

The American Issue 299 792 458 M/S
The American Issue 299 792 458 M/S
The American Issue 299 792 458 M/S