Linder: Femme/Objet
Under the direction of Emmanuelle de l'Ecotais, exhibition curator, Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris. Texts by Fabrice Hergott and Emmanuelle de l'Ecotais, interview with Linder Sterling Adopting the form of a magazine, the catalog evokes the beginnings of the artist, noted for his interventions in the punk fanzine The Secret Public, but also his recognition by the world of art and fashion. From the beginnings until today, around a hundred photographs, photomontages and drawings in small and large formats (30 x 40 cm to 100 x 150 cm), as well as a film, testify to the singularity of his approach, which 'expresses in a performative and multidisciplinary work of great visual richness: provocative and transgressive iconography, feminist actions, political engagement, punk graphics, musical performances.